

The Truth About Email Testing

Everyone and their brother/sister are now singing the praises of A/B and multivariate email testing.  But as a marketer I like to differentiate myself so I’ll play devil’s advocate.  This post challenges these email testing methods to see how accurate they really are.  The results are a little scary. Background After almost a decade in…

Lead vs. Lead: Point of Interest vs. Point of Contact

B2B companies all experience similar problems when implementing lead management processes and technologies.  However, few problems are as universal as how they define a lead.  I don’t mean the definition of a qualified lead that marketing and sales agree on.  I’m referring to what a lead is at its core.  Is it a person or…

Toronto Eloqua Success Tour Wrap-up

[image_video type=”image” title=”Communitech P2P 1″ style=”curved_shadow” image_url=”http://www.revenue-engineer.com/images/blog/Eloqua_Success_Tour_1.JPG”] All About Revenue Success Tour Thursday was a great day. In addition to perfect weather, Eloqua was hosting their 4th Toronto All About Revenue Success Tour. Located on the 18th floor rooftop of the Park Hyatt in downtown, thirty marketers from south-western Ontario gathered to compare notes on…